Dé Sathairn, Bealtaine 27, 2006

Holiday in the hometown

I've been in North Platte since Thursday, and plan to head back on Monday. I met an old friend who offered to take me camping yesterday, but I didn't come all the way here just to be away from the family all weekend, plus I rode hera in my sister's car.
Lasr night was truely bizarre, I started by litearlly wondering around town aimlessly. I went to the bar that my friend used to run and learned that it had closed down within weeks of losing his mastery in alcohol services. After this, I went to a place called the den at the town's major intersection. There I saw an old classmate tending bar on his first night there. three I also discovered that my long-lost ex-girlfriend also worked there. Five or six more old friends and schoolmates showed up within three hours. It was surreal. Since I left the sticks, I have fallen out of the habit of expecting to meet someone I know whenever I go out in public. One cannot know how much of a circle jerk a small town really is unless one has experienced it. Another interesting thing is the timelessness of North Platte. The place never changes, the people never change. This is both comforting and quite sad.

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