Dé Máirt, Nollaig 23, 2008

More Notes From The Den

Ham and stuffing were being served out of a crockpot by the bathrooms. I don't know if it was for anybody who wanted some or if it was just for the children of the barmaid (barmatron rather) that were hanging out at a corner table. She had a slightly overweight boy dressed in camo overalls watching Youtube on what appeared to be a 98 model Pentium. There was something about the boy that made him more repellent then he should have been, a fat face. The face made him look fatter then he was.

Also in attendence was a man dressed in a Dallas Cowboys Starter Jacket accentuated by a Starter ball cap covered in spider webbing and flames. He was hanging out with Ricki Mercia. Ricki has a teardrop tatoo under his right eye, but it's just for style. One would do well to avoid coming to blows with Ricki, but he hadn't killed anybody at the time I last spoke to him three years ago.

Saliva has a new album called "Five Devil" coming out which was being heavily advertised on the jukebox.

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