Dé Céadaoin, Samhain 15, 2006

Tis the season for giving

It is only a week before the holiday that shamefully detracts attention from our Lord's birthday. while I can personally appreciate the implications of Manifest Destiny involved with Thanksgiving, the fact is that most Americans have only a vague concept of what this means. They know we are automatically good and entitled to do whatever we like, but they don't understand why.

Some have said that Christmas is too big and bombastic, that its too materialistic and lasts too long. Nonsense. Haven't you wondered why we've been attacking the "happy holidays" folks in recent years? American exceptionalism is Christian exceptionalism. A Christmas that totally overshadows Hanukkah, Kwanzaa, and yes, even Thanksgiving, promotes the idea that good, decent, normal Americans are Christian, and non-Christians are deviant.

Yes friends, I say to you that the path to a more Christian America lies in more Christmas. Right now, the Christmas season (and you better call it the Christmas season you heathen bastard) lasts for ten weeks. Perhaps if Christmas lasts for four, five, or six months, the people will once again realize that it is Christianity that makes us superhuman.
As for materialism, what of it? This is just another example of how a bedrock belief has been diluted to merely a vague understanding. We have heard that greed is good. We know that greed is good, but we don't know why.

This is a terrible pity. Our Anglo-Calvinist forebears understood that materialism was Godly. God pre-determined who would be good, who would be saved. The saved proved their Godliness through their work ethic. Work hard and die rich, that was the motto. This, my friends, is why we believe that wealth is proof of virtue, poverty proof of sinfulness. This is why young junior is justified in beating the child in Goodwill clothes. He is clearly the child of a harlot and beneath vermin.

Which is why I have mixed feelings about the charities that pop up this time of year. Yes, I suppose that they help the ignorant get into the holi... Christmas spirit, and anything that turns them toward God's Empire can only be for the best.

But I still have a hard time stomaching these appeals to weakness, these in
dulgences to the inferior. Just look at some of the stories of these "needy" (Needy of nothing more than Christ, the jail cell, and the lash.) The stories of fathers who lost their jobs due to disease, the grandmothers living on food stamps, the single mothers who need food donations because they choose to go to liberal universities instead of accepting their God-ordained places as whores. The Jewi... liberal media says that we should feel compassion, even, even, love for these swine.

Where, I ask, is the normal vilification of the riff-raff we here during the rest of the year? Where are the crack dealers, the welfare mothers, the looters, the dangerous subversives seeking pleasure in Godless metropolises? as I said, charity has it's place in sucking in the weak-minded, but not as much as fear. The media must never relent in it's stories of improvised savages bringing terror to white woman and children. This friends, is our best friend. Fear, blinding fear of all who deviate.

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