Dé Luain, Meán Fómhair 11, 2006

Lesson in Manliness ruined by pussies

UNL Chemestry Professor John Belot Jr . (Chancellor Belot, if there was any justice in the world.) showed up to class hungover and frisky at class on Friday. He decided to hand out some large firecrakers to a few students of Chem 110, apparently leaving them to do whatever they liked with the explosives. He had been drinking at a keno bar the night before, one student said that he appeared to still be intoxicated. Another said he "swore frequently." (tut, tut.) One of these nancy-boys or girls called the campus police immediatly after class and got Belot suspended.

here's some more student quotes, courtesy of the Sept 11th (The day America turned into an old woman) Journal Star.

"He'd be lecturing, than he'd keep talking about these explosives."
"I don't know how volitile they (the firecrakers) were," 'I got the hell out of there"

Come now, waz it weally that scarwy?

We have finally bottomed out on the long slow pussification of America that George Carlin warned us about. A society this intolerant of anything that smacks of chaos or insanity simply isn't free. Sure, we may still grudgingly tolerate our naive, idealistic constitution; but what good is it if we reflexivly call the cops on every weirdo? Reflexivly vote for the safest, "mainstream" candidate and spend our evenings watching sitcoms and dramas that might be "dirty" enough to show a bra or bicep, but in the end always reinforce "mainstream" cliches?

Why have we willingly raised a generation of mental cowards? Is it because of 9/11? Or is it something deeper? Does mty parents generation really believe the the right wing when it says that civilization almost collapsed in the sixties? Do they really believe they acheived the pinnacle of hedonism, and that they must protect their children from their own supposidly wild deeds and ideas?

Nearly 70 % of the country is now opposed to the war in Iraq. It doesn't matter. Not when protesting the war or anything else is considered equivalent to raising the hammer and sickle. Not many people like John Bolton, not even many conservatives. But who was there to protest the asshole when he came to Lincoln? Only a handful of dirty hippies. What ingrates. Who publicly complains in a democracy anyway?

So here we are with a campus and country full of perfectly safe classes, perfectly safe ideas, and perfectly safe entertainment. Don't worry parents, your kids won't be wearing any weird clothes or brining any weird ideas to the dinner table. They won't think or change much at all during their six years of college. No risk, no deviance, no democracy, no problem.

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