Dé Luain, Iúil 09, 2007


It keeps going dead when I try to sign in to blogger. So I spent forty-five minutes doing the same thing at the same computer. I could have spent longer. I would have sat there until I starved to death, if need be. But I came to a point where I realized, no, this isn't enough. Machines exist to obey me, and this one was not. I had already given it too many chances, it could detect my weakness.

So I disciplined this computer. I poured an entire bottle of water into the speaker outlet. A few sparks, some smoke. This isn't my computer, I mean, it might as well be mine, I'm commanding it right now. Technically, though, it's the University's since they, technically, paid for it. But I command it, and it failed me.

So I was careful, discreet, a little bit at a time. It will be over soon, be still Desdemona. Yes there we go. Now quitely grab your bag and calmly leave the building. It could be at least five minutes before they notice the electric burn smell, and by than they'll probably have forgotten your face. You could probably walk right through the door tommorow, find another slave, and no one will think anything of you.

What I think I'll do though, is ruin them all.

The only machines that have any right to exist are the ones that work perfectly forever without any attempt at maintenence or understanding by the owner. Disobedience from machines are the only insults that matter. Better to let your wife screw your best friend while simultaneously throwing your wedding pictures into the cats liter box than to allow your computer to upload porn one milisecond slower than it is supposed to. Every machine that ever does anything wrong is a murderer, and any "man" who ever takes his machines to a specialist for "repairs" is a traitor.

This state of affairs will not stand. If that means a return to the days when we didn't have so much as a wheel or a knife to butcher our game with then so be it! I will personally destroy any machine that could ever conceivibly malfunction as well as every person who stands in my way.

This is purity. This is discipline. Everything is either perfect or evil. Nothing is perfect. Destroy everything. No compromise, no phony jusifications, no special pleading. A single subatomic particle colliding with another invalidates the existence of the universe. Discipline.

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