Dé Domhnaigh, Meán Fómhair 10, 2006

Tales From the State Fair: Take 2

Have you ever been to a big arts and crafts or business expo? have you ever noticed how the people manning the booths always have those little headset mikes even though they're only talking to people that are, at most, 10 feet away. there's a purpose behind this. If the man trying to sell a home-salsa maker has a microphone, (and a big tv screen showing himself making salsa, as well as some posters of smiling families.) than he must be important, you better give him your full consideration.

I heard one of these vendors say that he likes coming to Nebraska because people arn't as skeptical here. They take his whirlpool selling lines at face value. How terribly cynical and anti-capitalist to assume that a white Christian salesman would be anything less than honest about the greatness of his sauna.

One of these Suanas had a plasma screen television behind it. I don't know why. It was showing one of the Eagles' reuinion concerts. I thought this was a nice touch. This is the kind of thing that people with Plasma-screen tvs in the sauna room actually watch. The music was, of course, utterly souless. Complete with a unifomally dressed horn section and by-thenumbers, improve free versions of all the shit you've heard a million times. Joe Walsh used to be kind of cool, does he have a coke habit to pay for?

A booth selling kitchen utensils had a poster emphesizing its belief in faith, family, and country.
Another one sai its products were made "by and for americans, any questions"?

Well, I have a couple questions. Is there a pagan anarchist kitchen utensil company that your competing against? And why are you limiting your market to the United States? Smith would be aghast.

to the cow that was so terrified by my prescence that it shat for a minute straight, I'm sorry.

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