Arab Stereotype # 1. (Riding camel with sunglasses-ho ho) We've got the whole world mad at us about our oil prices Arab Stereotype # 2: Except Walker Tire customers-They get free Oil Changes for the Life of their tires!
Wow, the layers of ignorance are incredible. First of all, Lincoln has the biggest middle eastern immigrant community in the state, and they have cars to. Smooth move Walker Tire. Second of all-it's not the fucking oil changes that have me eating raman. Third, their are a variety of reasons for the uptick in oil prices; supply and demand being the biggest one. OPEC has a monopoly because we Americans have accepted years of auto industry propaganda that taught us that spending billions on roads and securing oil supplies was . American and Capitalist, while riding bikes or solor cars was for hippies and homos. Finally, racist imagery can do so much better...
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